
Performs INSERT or UPDATE on table.

import { useUpsert } from 'react-supabase'
function Page() {
const [{ count, data, error, fetching }, execute] = useUpsert('users')
async function onClickMarkAllComplete() {
const { count, data, error } = await execute(
{ completed: true },
{ onConflict: 'username' },
(query) => query.eq('completed', false),
return ...


  • By specifying the onConflict option, you can make UPSERT work on a column(s) that has a UNIQUE constraint.
  • Primary keys should to be included in the data payload in order for an update to work correctly.
  • Primary keys must be natural, not surrogate. There are however, workarounds for surrogate primary keys.
  • Param filter makes sense only when operation is update
  • Upsert supports sending array of elements, just like useInsert

Passing options

During hook initialization:

const [{ count, data, error, fetching }, execute] = useUpsert('users', {
filter: (query) => query.eq('completed', false),
options: {
returning: 'represenation',
onConflict: 'username',
count: 'exact',

Or execute function:

const { count, data, error } = await execute(
{ completed: true },
count: 'estimated',
onConflict: 'username',
returning: 'minimal',
(query) => query.eq('completed', false),